288 petunia plug

288 petunia plug

The very first job I had in the greenhouse was transplanting after school.

It was spring and the fledgling company “Jolly Farmer Nursery” needed extra hands. Do you remember when we sowed seed in rows in an open flat and tore the poor little things apart to transplant them?  That’s what I was doing.  I think we each had a stack of pre-filled flats and had to dibble the seedlings into them by hand. Maybe we even tagged them ourselves, I can’t remember. The speedy girls could plant 20 flats an hour.  I’m not sure I ever made that!  When I came to work full time the next season, I was tasked to learn how to use our brand new Blackmore automatic seeder.  It was our initial foray into the world of plugs.

The invention of the plug tray and how it has changed our industry must be one the great stories in our industry’s history.  Automatic seeders, automatic transplanters, commercial plug ranges, seed enhancement, higher germination standards, and whole new library of information to perfect this new industry eventually became the new normal.  Wow!  How far we’ve come.

Today, Jolly Farmer has 4 high-speed, automatic seeding lines poised for start up of our new season.  Our 10 acres of greenhouse are waiting to accommodate your orders.  (You have ordered, right?  Because the early order discount deadline is next Monday, November 2.) Plug in your orders with us now and receive 10% off.  Then go ahead and plug them in!